1523 Calle Terrazas
27 AB Arroyo Griego
182 Tesuque Village
182 Tesuque Village


Main Campus

1000 Paseo de Peralta

We know what makes your home sell.
Let us handle the process for you.

Main Campus Location
Exterior shot of a home and front yard
Interior shot of a living room with a fireplace
About Us

The Bodelson Spier Team

Deborah and Cary have been friends for over 30 years and it shows in their strong business partnership. Their skills complement each other and their communication and negotiating skills are exemplary. They are the top producing team at Santa Fe Properties...


Start the conversation

If you would like to discuss your Santa Fe real estate questions, please reach out. We would love to assist you in your real estate needs. We can’t wait to meet you to discuss your dream home.